Adding Notifiers To A Sentry

Once you have defined your Sentries and Notifiers, you may select which Notifiers are to be used by which Sentries in the Sentry Configuration window using the Add and Remove buttons in the Notification section of the Sentry Configuration window.

To add a Notifier, just click once on the Notifier in the Defined Notifiers window and choose the Add button. To remove a Notifier, select the Notifier in the Notifiers to Execute window and select the Remove button. A Notifier can also be moved from one list to the other simply by double-clicking on it's name.

To review or make changes to a Notifier, select it from either list and click the "Edit" button. This will cause the Notifier edit window to open for the selected Notifier.

When you are through adding Notifiers to the Sentry, click "OK"to save your changes.

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